Dynamic Facebook Share Button for Your website and web pages | No configuration is required! 😮😮😮😮 I was wondering how to let people share my webpage through Facebook. Even though Facebook Developer Tools let you create a Facebook button with ease you have to go to the developer's page and paste your URL into a box generate code, copy it, and paste wherever you want. but it is not the problem, The real problem is you have to repeat this process whenever you write a new blogpost/ post for your website. Then you have to use this javascript code for your webpage. It gets your web pages' address with javascript code document . location . href ; and passes it to the Facebook share gadget. here is the code and let the hack begin!! < div id = "fb-root" ></ div > < script > ( function ( d , s , id ) { var js , fjs = d . getElementsByTagName ( s )[ 0 ]; if ( d . getElementById ( id )) return ; js ...
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