How to Code an Advanced Number Guess Game with Python. banner of the game by me:) Hello everyone, I am sure you have played the Number Wordle (Number Guess) Game. Have you ever wanted to create your own number guess game? If yes, this is the time. It is a game like a wordle to friends who don't know what a number guess game is. The Computer generates a random number; all you have to do is guess that number. If your guess is correct you are rewarded with some points and granted access to higher levels. With Python, you can code this very easily, and let's get started. At this level, we will create a CLI game so that you can understand the basics, and let's move to GUI when you are ready. Prerequisites. All you need is Python and if you have not installed Python yet, visit and download the appropriate Python version for you. Getting Started. Create an ASCII banner. First, we want a banner to show the user when they enter the game. It will ...
My experiments, discoveries & thoughts on Python, Js, HTML&CSS, Physics, Maths and Chemistry.